4-Day Leadership

Supercharge Your Sales, Profit, and Cash Flow While Working Less,
Cutting Stress, and Having the Energy to Enjoy It!

Sept 26-29, 2024 | Destin FL

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Here’s Our
Exclusive Offer…

  1. Get 4 Months of MasterCoaching in just 4 Days - Concentrated, Effective, Measurable!

  2. Enjoy 4 Days at a Luxury Estate in Destin, FL!

  3. Feast as your Private Chef prepares delicious “farm to table” organic meals!

  4. Connect with Like-Minded solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, and small business heroes!

    …With Only 40
    Spots Available!

Hosted by 4-time TEDx Speaker Eric Beck,
Who Led the E-Myth Revolution with Michael Gerber

"Eric's knowledge, sense of humor, and patience has brought our small business to a million dollar business in less than 2.5 years. From hiring the right people to charging appropriately for what we do, and everything in between, is all Eric. We could not have achieved what we did without his guidance."

Kimberly and Robert Karolides, Milford, MA

“I was ‘Exhibit A’ of the chaotic working life.  The long, energy-draining hours were taking a toll on me. My body was hurting. I had no sense of accomplishment and the most important people in my life were feeling the effects.  After going through the program, I experienced a revolutionary transformation in the way I worked and lived.”

Jeff Timpanaro, Houston, TX

In 4 Days Learn How To Have A Fully Systemized Business That Runs WITHOUT You!

The Top Seven Takeaways...

  1. The essential habits and methods of the best performing humans on the planet. 

  2. The number-one daily habit of America's first multi-billionaire (born in 1709)!

  3. Evidence-based mental acuity practices that harness modern technology and ancient wisdom.

  4. How to free up no less than 10 hours a week to potentially double your productivity.

  5.  A new way to lead your team, so that repeating yourself ends permanently!

  6. How to exceed and make irrelevant the low touch, low personality AI craze so your customers know the difference.

  7. Moses, Jethro, and Caleb - An amazing formula for Freedom, Thriving, and Full Potential in business and life.

What Others Are Saying...

What Others Are Saying...

Most of the retreat will be outdoors, on the move, and having fun.

No stuffy conference rooms!

Sept 26-29


Thursday 6pm - 9pm

  • Welcome & Orientation

  • Session 1 & 2 - Get the Keys to Full Potential Leadership

    Friday 8:30am - 4pm

    Precision Leadership Thinking - Does your current mindset enhance or sabotage your pursuit of your professional and personal goals?

  • Session 3 - Growth Mindset - Super Charging Yours Sales & Marketing

  • Session 4 - Resilience - Obstacle Immunity & Strategic Problem Solving

  • Lunch

  • Session 5 - Leveraging Your Past Successes - A strategy for A.I.

  • Session 6 - Create, Enhance, and Launch a World Class Management Team System

  • BONUS SESSION: Wealth Secret #1 - Automated Recurring Income the Small Business Way

    Saturday 8:30am - 4pm

    Precision Leadership Action - Does your current workflow tend towards reactive instead of strategic?

  • Session 7 - Rituals & Habits - Managing Workflow, Focus, and Outcomes

  • Session 8 - Strategic Decision Grid - A System that transforms you and your team to ignite initiative and coordination.

  • Session 9 - Systems with Soul - Making Every Job a Game Worth Playing

  • Session 10 - Performance Based Pay - Reducing Your Largest Expense While Getting Your Best ROI

  • BONUS SESSION: Wealth Secret #2 - Ownership Automation - Self Managing Teams

    Sunday 8am - Noon

    Precision Leadership Relationships - Are You Aligning Your Efforts for a Smooth Transition to Long Term Wealth?

  • Session 11 - Family Strategic Vision & Succession Planning

  • Session 12 - Key Relationship Strategy

Space is Limited.
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